Sweep hard. Hard!
A downloadable Sweep hard. Hard!
You think flowers are nice? Yeah well that's real cute sweetie, but you know what? F*cking deadly is what they are. That's right. So pick up that broomstick of yours and sweep. Hard. You hear me? HARD!
Our Team:
Developers : Soufian Maaté & Martin Pénard
Artists : Emmanuel Dodet & Benjamin Pelmoine
Sound Designer : Florent Chardevel
Game Designers : Pénélope Charles & Marion Bossée
... all students at ENJMIN ! ;)
Sweep hard. Hard! is a game we made in 48h as our participation to a game jam hosted by our school. We hope you have as much fun playing it as we did making it!
**Pour les joueurs francophones, n'oubliez pas d'adapter les touches de déplacements à votre clavier AZERTY au lancement du build ! Bon jeu !**
Status | Released |
Author | sweep_hard_hard |
Genre | Action, Survival |
Tags | 2D, Comedy, Endless, Fast-Paced, freaky, Funny, shia-labeouf |
SweephardHard.zip 36 MB
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porfavr and hello
ni how ping gao
QDQDQD pour decrocher le torse du corps :3
Belle harmonie de couleurs et un tuto ingenieu
Chhht, il ne faut pas dire ça à Martin, il a passé beaucoup trop de temps dessus sans parvenir à ce que ce décalage n'arrive plus ! :D
Merci pour le commentaire et... Une nouvelle version est disponible !